The Rainforest
TO : The
Honourable Sherryl Garbutt
Steve Bracks , Premier of Victoria 11
December , 2001 The
undersigned groups wish to bring to the Minister’s attention our concerns
regarding the conservation of rainforest in Victoria. Specifically,
we are in unanimous agreement that the current definition of rainforest,
as applied in the field by the Department of Natural Resources and
Environment (DNRE), is scientifically flawed and therefore unacceptable.
In addition, we believe that the relevant management prescriptions
designed to protect rainforest are totally inadequate. Victoria’s
rainforests are remnants of the Gondwanic landscape and have existed
virtually unchanged for in excess of 60 million years. Temperate rainforests
of similar composition are found in Tasmania, New Zealand and South
America. We are the guardians of a small, in terms of area, but significant,
in a global context, biological resource. According
to the departmental definition there is only 15,000 hectares of rainforest
in Victoria. Unfortunately this is pragmatic and not a scientific
definition and the actual area of rainforest is closer to 40,000 hectares
if the definition recognized by the Victorian Rainforest Symposium
(1992) is applied. (Appendix I) It
is entirely unacceptable that the survival of these rainforests be
jeopardised to accommodate managerial or financial expedience. Threats posed to rainforest from logging operations include:
Rainforest species manifest as understorey when overlap with eucalypt forest occurs. The moisture gradient increases proportionally with the presence of rainforest species, and progressively increases towards the “pure” rainforest stand. Within natural regimes (subject to lightning strikes and indigenous land management practices), these ecotones or overlaps acted as a fire buffer to protect the core of the rainforest. If the eucalypt and/or ecotonal forest is clear-felled the resulting regrowth tends to be dominated by (fire adapted) eucalypt species. A combination of factors including height, density, flammability and fuel load of eucalypt dominated regrowth represent and increase the fire hazard to the rainforest, which is known to be fire sensitive. Rainforest species are killed by fire and the subsequent regeneration of those species is slow in comparison with eucalypt species. This results in forest structures and compositions quite different from those being replaced. This situation is untenable given that NRE’s purpose and mandate is to ensure ecological sustainability.
Nothofagus cunninghamii (Myrtle Beech) is susceptible to Myrtle Wilt disease which can introduced and/or exacerbated by the mechanical disturbances associated with logging.
Clear-felling alters the microclimate by increasing sun and wind exposure thereby reducing moisture content and regeneration capacity of rainforest.
invasion following logging disturbs natural regeneration processes. Another
emerging threat to rainforest is climate change. The effects of climatic
change will be magnified and compounded by logging activities within
proximity to rainforest. Rainforests are dynamic systems: they expand
and contract according to climatic variables that are beyond human
chronological sensitivity and comprehension. The implications of climate
change are uncertain. Given this situation the application of the
precautionary approach is imperative. Benefits of applying a scientific definition (Appendix I) : · Protection of biologically rich areas; the interface between eucalypt (sclerophyll) forest and rainforest is a rich tapestry of species diversity and interaction. · Linear riparian reserves act to protect water quality. Clean water is fundamental to human health. Agriculture requires reliable supplies of clean water as do natural systems, e.g. estuarine systems (recreational fishing is worth $1.5 billion dollars to the Victorian economy and relies on healthy, viable natural systems). ·
Act as genetic
corridors - allowing movement of wildlife/insect/plant populations. Buffer
zones: Given the significance of this forest type, buffer strips should
be a minimum of 350 metres for rainforest sites identified as being
of national, state and regional sites of significance. APPENDIX
I – An ecological definition of Victorian rainforest. Adopted by The Ecological Society of Australia (1980). Adopted by the Rainforest Technical Committee (1986) in its report to
the Ministers for Conservation, Forests and Lands and Planning
and Environment. Adopted by The Victorian Rainforest Symposium (1992). “Rainforest
is defined ecologically as closed (>70% projective foliage cover)
broad‑leaved; forest vegetation with a continuous rainforest
tree canopy of variable height, and with a characteristic diversity
of species and life forms. Rainforest includes closed transitional
and, seral: communities, with emergent eucalypts, that are of similar
botanical composition to mature rainforests in which eucalypts are
absent. Rainforest
canopy species are‑defined as shade‑tolerant tree species
which are able to establish below an undisturbed canopy, or in small
canopy gaps resulting from locally recurring minor disturbances, such
as isolated windthrow or lightning strike, which are part of the rainforest
ecosystem. Such species are not dependent on fire for their regeneration.” The
text in bold type was removed (without the consent or approval of
the Rainforest Technical Committee) from the definition submitted
to the relevant Ministers. Yours
sincerely Bill
and Ben On
behalf of the following groups: Friends
of the Earth (FoE) Australia Friends
of the Earth Forest Network Australian
Conservation Foundation Future
Rescue Native
Forest Network Melbourne Native
Forest Network East Gippsland Native
Forest Network Australia Inc Native
Forest Network Yellowstone Melbourne Clean Water Coalition
Good Wood Advisory Centre. Friends
of the Earth - Czech Republic FoE
– Sweden FoE
- England, Wales, Northern Ireland Núcleo
Amigos da Terra (FoE Brazil) FoE
Finland FoE
Netherlands Walhi
- FoE Indonesia CODEFF
- FoE Haiti Native
Forest Action (New Zealand) Nature
Conservation Council NSW Lawyers
for Forest Inc Wombat
Forest Society Cobaw
and Wombat Forest Action Group Concerned
Residents of East Gippsland Goongerah
Environment Centre Office Paperlinx
Green Shareholders' Group Australian
Greens (Victoria) Inc Doctors
for Native Forests Canopy
Native Forest Committee ForestEthics
– US Rainforest
Action Network South
West Genaion Greens (Vic) Lawyers
for Forests Inc Geelong
Region Greens Otways
Ranges Environment Network The
Wilderness Society Victoria Native
Forest Network Southern Hemisphere Gondwana
Forest Sanctuary Interim Steering Committee Monash
University Environment Group Environment
Victoria The responseTo : Friends of the Earth Australia PO Box 222 FITZROY
VIC 3065 0
you for your letter of II December 2001 to the Honourable Steve Bracks,
Premier of Victoria, and myself regarding the protection of rainforest
in Victoria. The
Victorian Government is committed to the protection and maintenance
of rainforest and its associated values. The State's rainforests provide
a refuge for fire sensitive and moisturedependent species and contain
a large number of species with links to the Gondwanan flora, a time
when most of the Australian continent was covered by rainforest. As
a result of previous planning processes, virtually all of the National
and State Sites of Significance for Rainforest are protected in the
Comprehensive, Adequate and Representative (CAR) Reserve System across
the State. Sites of lesser significance, including linear stands along
watercourses throughout East Gippsland, the Central Highlands and
the Otway Ranges, are protected through the Code of Forest Practices
for Timber Production. The Code prohibits timber harvesting within
the rainforest stand and a buffer of at least 20 to 40 metres of eucalypt
forest adjacent to the rainforest stand must also be excluded from
timber harvesting. Your
views regarding the importance of ecotones and gradations toward pure
rainforest are acknowledged and this is the reason why the Code requires
a buffer of eucalypt forest to be protected adjacent to each rainforest
stand. The boundaries of many Sites of Significance also include buffers
around the pure stands of rainforest and these areas are also included
in the reserve system. In
recent years, a variety of rainforest variants has been identified,
ranging from the mixed forests in the Central Highlands and East Gippsland
to stands of dry rainforest in the Buchan Valley and other isolated
areas in Gippsland. Particular attention has been given to the protection
of these variants such that, for example, all stands of dry rainforest
on public land are now protected in the CAR Reserve System. Commitments
have also been made about the protection of mixed forest on the Errinundra
Plateau in East Gippsland and in the Central Highlands. Again, the
most significant stands are already protected parks and reserves. Myrtle
Wilt is a natural disease of Nothofagus cunningharnii and is widespread
in Victoria, including stands in parks and reserves that have not
been subject to disturbances such as timber harvesting. Movement of
people along walking tracks, road maintenance and timber harvesting
can contribute to the spread of the disease. Standards to minimise
this spread have been in place since 1995, including walking track
and timber harvesting controls. The science of the disease was reviewed
at the time of the 1996 review of the Code of Forest Practices, based
on a detailed rainforest report by independent scientists, Dr Mark
Burgman and Professor Ian Ferguson. Research on the disease in Tasmania,
which was available when the independent rainforest report was prepared,
suggested that buffer widths should reflect the characteristics of
the stand. As
outlined above, in recognition of the potential spread of the disease
through human disturbance, all timber harvesting activities are excluded
from rainforest stands and an adjoining buffer of eucalypt forest.
The Department of Natural Resources and Environment is monitoring
various sites known to be susceptible to Myrtle Wilt in order
to determine if any changes are required in the current arrangements
to avoid the spread of the disease. I
am aware that there has been debate about the definition of rainforest
in the past. However, it is very important that Departmental staff
have a workable definition to enable them to delineate rainforest
stands in the field for various management purposes. I
presume your reference to the need for 350 metre buffers adjacent
to Rainforest Sites of Significance is based on the work done on Myrtle
Wilt in Tasmania. It is important to understand the context in which
that recommendation was made. As you are probably aware, timber harvesting
is permitted in rainforest stands in Tasmania. That research proposed
buffers of 50 metres to 350 metres for extensive pure Nothofagus forests
in Tasmania. The extensive stands of rainforest in Victoria have already
been added to the conservation reserve system and are not subject
to potential disturbance from timber harvesting. In
other settings, such as the linear stands of cool temperate rainforest
in the Otways, East Gippsland and the Central Highlands, a different
response was proposed by the Burgman and Ferguson report. That Report
recommended that buffers should be commensurate with the significance
of the stands. For stands of lesser significance, such as those that
remain in State forest, 20 to 40 metre buffers were recommended. Measures
to protect against disturbance, including possible disturbance from
harvesting operations and windthrow, have focused on buffers that
protect trees from wounding. The buffers established under the Code
reflect this provision. In
respect of any changes to the Code, there is no new evidence that
suggests that wider buffers are warranted. The listing of the disease
under the Flora and Fauna Guarantee Act 1988 reflects current knowledge
that was available at the time of the revision of the Code in 1995/1996. Thank
you for your interest in this important issue. Yours sincerely Sherryl
I Minister
for Environment and Conservation A Concise Definition of Rainforest for Victoria