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Site Search: Rimbunan Hijau Watch __Masalai i tokaut
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The first 11 shots were taken near Creswick in central Victoria. The creek in the pictures is a tributary of Creswick Creek and lies in the Tullaroop Reservoir Gazetted water catchment which supplies about 20-30,000 people with drinking water. This site was just north of the Great Divide meaning that the creek in question is also in the headwaters of the Murray Darling Basin!

Shots 12-22 are taken from Korweinguboora Reservoir - another gazetted water catchment for Geelong and a few smaller towns. This catchment will be logged in the next few years with aerial herbicide application to became a more frequent event. This catchment flows south from the Great Divide and would provide something like 50,000 people with drinking water.

Both plantations are managed by Hancock Victorian Plantations and some of these photos will soon be included on the Hancock Watch website.

Hancock are currently attempting to get FSC certification for their plantations.